Tuesday, January 2, 2007

You know it's going to be a bad week when...

your wife asks you to pick her up 200 tampons at the store tomorrow.

Not just the normal gotta get tampons embarassment with the checkout boy giving the "sucks to be you" look. Not that I really care, but 200 may be a different story alltogether.

"Um... can you check in the store room for more tampons? There's only 150 on the shelf."

Priceless. They'd probably alert the feds. Some patriot act terror warning issued for anyone buying over 100 tampons - can be used to flush down every toilet in town and completely bring the city's septic system to a halt...

We're actually going away to Latin America soon and she wants what I can only guess as to several months worth. Plus if we have to escape from a deserted island I could just dump them in the ocean and soak up all the water for an easy get away on foot. (might find some treasure too!).

Anyways, my lady is sick with the cold I gave her for Christmas/Hannukah plus it's that time o' the month. Sweet. Wish me luck friends....



Dumb-ass. What do you think!? Mexican women walk around sticking old used dish rags and potatos up there?!?!?!?!?!?!

Unknown said...

I agree. Not only can you get Tampons in Mexico but they are waaay cheaper and made out of corn flower. look forward to your future blogs. Have fun on your amazing journey.