Sunday, January 14, 2007

Last Day at Westside Animal Hospital

Well Westside Animal Hospital I'm outta here, but before I start my tear jerking farewell speech let me just clarify something from my last blog that caused quite an uproar from the general public
(sifting through the hundreds of emails and letters has been hell). It's concerning the use of the word "wife" in regards to Melanie.

As everyone probably knows we're not "officially"married. We've been together over 10 years and for all practical purposes we are an old married couple. We're trying figure out a good word to call us instead of husband and wife. Partner is a little businesslike and makes it sound like were a gay couple. Girlfriend/ boyfriend completely understates our relationship. Husband/ wife implies ownership and usually involves loss of identity ie. everything addressed as Mr. and Mrs. Chris Morrow. She ends up just being a mrs. on paper. Anyhow, to the general public I ask that you give your input on what word to call each other. I personally think husband/ wife is good but I want to have business cards to hand out to explain the situation.

Now, without further adeiu, I bid farewell to Westside Animal Hospital. My last day of work is Monday the 15th, although I will be continuing night nursing through the end of the month.

Special Thanks to Deborah for all the training and skills I've aquired as her apprentice not only in the technician world but in all aspects of running a business (in the highest quality and expectations) and also in my own organizational skills. I will always stay in touch with you whether you like it or not. Sorry for blabbing to Dave about the poker game. Dave!

Thanks to Dave for giving me the opportunities he gave to me to succeed. Also for believing in me/ giving me benefit of the doubt always, without fail. Thanks for the trust. Thank you for the privacy. Thanks for letting me use all your stuff (and break most of it). Thanks for the laughs. Thanks for your generosity. Thanks for pushing Melanie at thanksgiving into giving a speech :0.
Thanks for all the knowledge you've passed on. Thanks for the freedom. Thanks for not installing the bat phone.

Thanks to Dr. Craig for teaching me as much as anyone ever has... I soaked it up. He is always actively teaching/ improving quality of care and if you're lucky enough to get to work with Craig you'd better pay attention or you'll miss something great. Thanks for being a true friend with a brillant sense of humor. Thanks for providing all those cold refreshing beverages in my greatest times of need.

Sorry guys but I think I liked working with Kathy most out of all the doctors. She understood me as the S.N.A.G. that I am. Thanks Kath for always making me smile. Keep Brian in line and keep spoiling those princesses.

Thanks to all of my co-workers through the years but especially these:

Bova (the original safety meeting member - taught me a ton when I was first here!)
Lynsey (great friend -- hope to see you in a year or so! - Go Dr. Reuben!)
Bryna (I love making her laugh at potty humor - Snow White - Gluck in your future endeavors)
Alona (rhymes with bologna) and May (what a team! So fun, So smart. I miss you guys. Be Safe. ;) )
Jen A. (Hope all is well and I hope to see you again some day. A WAH hall of famer.)
Sue ( I certainly will miss you and even that no good hubby of yours. Much love.)

Good Luck carrying the torch Caitlin and Sandrine. Caitlin will be great. She's beautiful, strong and smart. She has all the tools to succeed and has an unbelievable desire to learn and to push her boundaries. Sandrine is one of those people you can tell right away that she is gold as a person and as a worker. They will both pick up where I left off and go beyond to make the hospital better than before. I know there is uncertainty with any change but these two in my view will help take WAH to another level.

I always tried to make our clients feel at ease whether it was starting an appointment or watching over their pet at night or being with them as their loved one passed. I couldn't possibly name all of the clients/friends that I have connected with at some level. Some I will keep contact with some I may never see or hear from again. Regardless, I will collectively remember my time in Santa Cruz as the best time in my life up to now, and all of the people that passed through the doors of WAH on a daily basis and the relationships formed were a big part of that. Thanks.

Well I guess that's a wrap. Tune in next week when I write about my strategy for tanning in those delicate pale first few weeks of my journey. Can u say G-string, baby oil, and silvadine?

Bye for now


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

You know it's going to be a bad week when...

your wife asks you to pick her up 200 tampons at the store tomorrow.

Not just the normal gotta get tampons embarassment with the checkout boy giving the "sucks to be you" look. Not that I really care, but 200 may be a different story alltogether.

"Um... can you check in the store room for more tampons? There's only 150 on the shelf."

Priceless. They'd probably alert the feds. Some patriot act terror warning issued for anyone buying over 100 tampons - can be used to flush down every toilet in town and completely bring the city's septic system to a halt...

We're actually going away to Latin America soon and she wants what I can only guess as to several months worth. Plus if we have to escape from a deserted island I could just dump them in the ocean and soak up all the water for an easy get away on foot. (might find some treasure too!).

Anyways, my lady is sick with the cold I gave her for Christmas/Hannukah plus it's that time o' the month. Sweet. Wish me luck friends....